Voice from a Seafarer

Seafarers usually spend six to eight months on board a ship to complete a contract. During that period, we see the vast ocean and sky most of the time. Isn't that boring? For those who don't have patience and determination, life at sea may seem boring. But I enjoyed it very much.

Working on board, we don't pay for any utilities or meal. But we have to tidy your own cabin and wash you own clothing. We can save most of our earnings. When receiving the voyage schedules, it is common for us to check which ports are best to explore. We would go to different places and tourist spots during the voyage and meet different people of various nationalities and culture. We always have a bunch of exciting stories to tell our friends and family when returning home. That is one of the attractive natures of being a seafarer.

Seafarer photo 1
Seafarer photo 2